Os Mewn Sŵn oedd albym cyntaf Huw M, gafodd ei ryddhau yn 2009 ar label Gwymon, a chael derbyniad gwresog yn cynnwys adolygiad 4 seren ym mhapur newydd y Times. Yn 2012 gafodd ei ail albym, Gathering Dusk, ei enwebu ar gyfer y Wobr Gerddoriaeth Gymreig. Utica yw albym diweddaraf Huw M, ac mae’n plethu dylanwadau gospel cynnar gyda cherddoriaeth werin o Gymru. Mae Huw hefyd wedi rhyddhau ambell i sengl ac EP ar hyd y blynyddoedd.
Utica yw trydydd albym Huw M, y cyntaf i gael ei ryddhau ar label I Ka Ching. Ar gyfer yr albym yma, mae Huw wedi bod yn cydweithio gyda nifer o gerddorion i blethu dylanwadau gospel cynnar gyda chanu gwerin Cymreig, gan ychwanegu llond llaw o ddwyster, hiraeth a thor calon. Hynod o hapus yn wir.
Mae caneuon o Utica wedi ymddangos ar Radio 1, Radio 3, Radio 6 Music, Radio Cymru, Radio Wales.
Huw Stephens, BBC Radio 1
“His new album is beautiful”
Gareth James, Clash (8/10)
The rich songwriting of Huw M’s Utica deserves a much wider audience.
Max Bell, Record Collector
Delicate and original and packed to the rafters with gorgeous melodies and intriguing words.
Dave Haslam, R2 Magazine
Fragile and uplifting, heartrending and heartwarming… an album that confirms Huw M’s position as one of Wales’s finest contemporary folk artists.
Buzz magazine
Folk and gospel make for an organic blend on this rather fine recording… Huw has shown a rousing intellect and sensitivity to Welsh folk history as well as its future; definitely worth bending an ear to.
Lowri Johnston, Y Selar (‘Rhaid Gwrando’ y mis)
Dyma fand talentog sydd wedi creu campwaith.
Gathering Dusk
Mae `na agosatrwydd yn perthyn i gerddoriaeth Huw M ac mae ei albym ‘Gathering Dusk’ fel agor y drws i hen gyfaill. Gwir, mae’r gair ‘hyfryd’ efallai’n cael ei or-ddefnyddio a’i gam defnyddio. Ond o eiliadau bregus gwe pry cop ‘For while I wait for you to sleep’ i lawnder haenog ‘Dyma lythyr’, mae ‘Gathering Dusk’ yn hyfrydwch pur. Mae’n albym sy’n perthyn o bell i draddodiad gwerin Cymru, ond mae Huw M yn rhoi côt newydd o baent lliwgar arno. Cynhyrchwyd gan Frank Naughton a Llion Robertson.
Ro Cemm, The Line of Best Fit (8/10)
Rarely does an album title so perfectly sum up the spirit of the music it contains. With soft harmonies, delicate instrumentation and simple melody lines Gathering Dusk finds Huw M conjuring up the perfect soundtrack for those short late-twilight minutes of a sticky summer’s evening…
Malcolm Jack, The List (****)
If you, like me, hold the view that Super Furry Animals’ Welsh-language album is their finest work, then you’ll probably be predisposed to love Huw M’s near exhaustingly delightful Gathering Dusk, a mildly psych-sizzled alt-folk charmer, sung mostly in the Pontypridd singer-songwriter’s throaty and naturally mellifluous native tongue…
Os Mewn Sŵn
Mae Os Mewn Sŵn yn gymysgedd o ganeuon gwreiddiol ac ambell i gân draddodiadol, wedi’u cymysgu gyda dylanwadau o Ffrainc a Brasil ac offerynnau gwych a gwallgo fel y sitar a’r Maui Xaphoon. Gafodd yr albym, sef record hir gyntaf Huw M, ei recordio mewn cyfnod o 4 mis yn ystod gaeaf 2008-9 gan y cynhyrchydd Frank Naughton.
David Hutcheon, The Times (****)
The Welsh language seems to lend itself perfectly to dreamy, pastoral psychedelia. With its mix of new originals and melodies borrowed from folk songs, this eight-track debut from Huw Meredydd fits right into that genre. The highlight may be Seddi Gwag, particularly for Bethan Reynolds’s clog dancing (an aural treat), but Gad y Diwrnod Wrth Y Drws finds a space midway between 1967 Beatles and Sigur Rós, while the spirit of Gorky’s Zygotic Mynci flows from every song.
DW, Plugged In
“This beautifully structured mini album from Huw M can be used as a defining point of the talent that is overlooked in Wales due to the language barrier… Maybe the rest of the world should be listening too.”
Huw Stephens
Early reviews for Huw M say it all: “Stunningly beautiful”, “charming”, “gorgeous”. If you’ve ever explored some of the brilliant catalogue of Welsh legend Meic Stevens or have heard the Super Furry Animals’ Welsh Language album ‘Mwng’ then you’ll connect with Huw M. Here’s shimmery Welsh folkpop at its best.
Senglau ar y cyd gyda Llwyd